آزمایش بررسی اسپین الکترون(Model for observing the Electron Spin Resonance(ESR))
Model 2-5
Modern Experiments
هدف آزمایش:
بررسی تشدید اسپین الکترون با استفاده از مدل آزمایشگاهی
وسایل آموزش:
دستگاه نمایشESR ، دمنده هوا ۱۲۰۰ وات با تیوپ مربوطه ، سیم رابط معمولی ۱۰۰ سانتی متری (۸عدد)
منبع تغذیه(۱۰-۰) آمپر و (۲۰-۰) ولت ، کوموتاتورالکترونیک
Model experiment for electron spin resonance for clear demonstration of interaction between the magnetic moment of electron spin with a superimposed direct or alternating magnetic field. A ball with a central rod magnet, which rotates with low friction on an air cushion, acts as model electron. Two pairs of coils allow to generate a direct magnetic field B0 and an alternating magnetic field B1. The axis of both fields intersect perpendicularly at the center of the ball. The table is slightly inclined to start the electron gyroscope with an air draught (Magnus effect). If the direct magnetic field B0 acts on the ball, a precession of the magnet axis is observed. Precession frequency increases with the intensity of field B0. With a second pair of coils and a pole changeover switch (commutator), a supplementary alternating field B1is generated. If the change of poles occurs at the right phase, the angle between the gyroscope axis and the direction of the direct field is continuously increased, until the magnetic axis of the ball is opposed to the field direction (spin flip)
:Required equipments for the Experiment
Gyroscope with magnetic axis, ESR model with pressure tube 1.5 m with end pieces and special movable table ۳۳۰۸۰۲
Coil 1200 turns(N=4) ۳۳۰۸۰۴
Power Supply DC, 0-20 V , 0- 10 A ۱۱۰۰۲۲
Iron pole pices (N=2) (with coils)