ترانسفورمر با هسته آهنی (Transformer with yoke)
Model 440502
Solid State Experiments Equipment

Transformers are universally used to match an AC source to required voltage and current conditions. Transformers are used in connection with AC generators to produce high currents or high voltages. Aided by the demountable transformer and the accessories of this equipment set all phenomena and problems of transformers can be demonstrated in simple and clear manner
U – core : (including clamping device)
Material : soft iron
Width : 15 Cm
Cross section: 4Cm × ۴Cm
Yoke :
material : soft iron
Dimension: 4 Cm × ۴ Cm × ۴ Cm
Coil with 250 turns:
max continuous current : 5 A
DC resistance : 0.6 Ohm (approx.)
Coil with 1000 turns:
max continuous current : 1.25A
DC resistance : 9.5 Ohm (approx.)